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Dear Representative ____________________________,


My name is _________________________ and I am contacting you about events currently going on in Egypt. I am aware that there are many problems plaguing our nation and occurring internationally, but I believe we need to bring attention to events in Egypt due to the increasing injustices in regard to human rights and the freedom of expression.


Egypt is one of our closest allies in the Middle East! That is why any human rights violations being committed by our allies can hurt American reputation abroad, so reminding them that they must respect the rights of their people should be pressed by the United States government.


After the fall of Morsi’s government, the new regime has been repressing those who participated in the 2011 revolution. While we do not seek to make the situation worse in Egypt, human rights oppression could destabilize the country. People will not trust their government and thus increasing the chance of violence by all sides. Respecting the rights of their people and the rule of law could be one of the first steps in creating a positive relationship between the government and its people. Egyptian stability is very important to the United States’ Middle Eastern policy because an unstable Egypt could send shockwaves around the region, as seen during the Arab Spring. The best way to stabilize the Egypt is by giving its people a reason to have hope for the future again, and current repression is preventing that hope from forming. One of them, Alaa Abdel Fatah, known as a secular icon of the revolution, faces a trial for insulting the judicial system in Egypt. He was originally arrested for protesting and is already serving a sentence for that, so this would only add to this punishment. Cases such as this show human rights are not being respected. The inability to criticize the government will only sew fear and distrust into the Egyptian people. Such trials will only increase fear in the populous.


The United States needs to make clear, through public or back channels, that solidifying power this way is not what is best for the Egyptian people, or the Egyptian government. We have seen in past historical cases that suppressing the free speech does not create stability for long, and it is only a matter of time before the Egyptian people question the validity of their government if this type of oppression continues. The Egyptian Revolution was peaceful, but as seen in other countries it does not mean that another protest movement would stay that way. Human rights should be a top concern for America’s foreign policy. If we do not stand for it now, actions by the government could escalate violently. On the other hand, minorities including the Egypt’s LBGT community are currently under increasing oppression. Egyptians are fleeing to find security and safety.


Therefore, I ask you to please use any pressure possible to intervene in Abdel Fatah’s case and prevent further persecution of this individual. He is only one of the many being targeted by the Egyptian government to

send a message to the rest of the population. This is to discourage them from speaking out against any other injustices in their country. The people deserve not to live in fear. Democratic activists deserve safety, especially when speaking out to bring change to their country.




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